Happy Halloween!
Well, it is Halloween. It is also the day of the time change... don't forget to "fall back". It is dark outside way too early. I am so sleepy and it is only 7:10pm right now.
Not too terribly much going on with me right now. At least not anything I can really talk about. I guess this post will be mostly just filler so you all don't think I have died or some such. I know, I will give you a brief rundown of things I have to do this week... that ought to be interesting (yeah, right!).
* Return my old Palm V so I can get a $50.00 gift certificate to buy a new expansion card for the new Palm Zire.
* Sort out my gym membership. I haven't gone in forever and they are threatening to delete my last three sessions by 12-05-04.
* Laundry... lots and lots of laundry.
* Give Buddy a bath... or part with some moolah so someone else will.
* Make sure Buddy finishes all his medicine... and put some more medicine in his ears.
* Work up a presentation to give to the Beaverton Safetynet group about what my job is with DHS. (I am not entirely sure I should even be involved with Safetynet, but maybe something will come of it.)
* Work up a presentation for all the DHS offices about what I *don't* do... namely, I will not tell them if a client is lying or telling the truth about whether or not they have been in a DV type relationship. I am not the "truth-sniffer-out-er". I know that's not really a word, but these folks are treating me like I am a bloodhound or something. Geez....
* Filing... I have piles of household filing to get done. I hate filing.
I went grocery shopping today. $174.00 worth of groceries. But I have enough food for at least the next week, maybe two if I stretch. I got only the good stuff, too. No pizza or junk food. I even got Buddy a chew bone. I have to get him a new bag of food this week, too.
* Get Buddy some more food.
I am going to go before I bore anyone to death. I know some of you are almost comatose at this point, so that'll be about enough out of me.
Love to all,