Tuesday, January 22, 2008

She wins the Internet...

I found this video on Youtube thanks to Mr. Joss Whedon himself. Since the writer's have been out on strike, I guess the Mutant Enemies have a bit too much time on their hands. Turns out Tim Minear saw this video, and forwarded on an email to Joss about how fantastic it is. He in turn loved it, and posted it on Whedonesque with the following quote:

"How Happy Does This Make Me? Has this been linked? I got it from Tim. And the answer is 'very'.
Not since Evanescence and Final Fantasy have two worlds collided so winningly. Tee, also Hee. -joss."

In answer to her comment "I've been working on this for the past several days, and I believe it is the coolest thing I have ever or will ever produce in my lifetime. (Sorry, hypothetical future children, if you're reading this and feel jilted. But you are just not as awesome as this video.) Watch, please; I want it to become so popular on YouTube that the SciFi channel is so overcome by its awesomeness that it has no choice but to hurl huge sacks of money at Joss Whedon and Tim Minear (I'm so much a fan that I know the other guy's name, too!) so that they will write more shows." Joss wrote to her (on her own blog):

"This is actually much better than your inevitably fine children. This was sent to me by Tim. Joy. -joss."

How many ways do I love Joss Whedon? Numbers aren't big enough. He has probably made this 19 year old girls life, and she has in turn become a minor internet celebrity. All in all, not bad for a few days work with some video editing software. Congratulations to y_fish on Livejournal. She wins the internet... hands down.

P.S.- Here is a link to her blog post if you want to read it for yourself... http://y-fish.livejournal.com/106512.html


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