Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Buddy is sick....

My lovely and talented dog has managed to contract a bacteria called Bordatella from his daycare. Apparently, there was a dog there last Thursday who had the disease, and they recognized it and sent him home, but it was too late. They were afraid that some of the other dogs might have caught it, so they sent out an email detailing what this stuff is and what symptoms your dog might have.

At least, they said that they sent out an email. I never got one.

So, when Buddy started sounding congested late Saturday night/ early Sunday morning, I was a little worried. By breakfast Sunday morning I was alot worried. But I couldn't get in to see the vet until 6:30pm Monday night. So, I scheduled the appointment and listened to Buddy wheezze and cough off and on all night... praying that everything would be okay.

Finally it was time to see the vet, and she asked me about his Bordatella vaccination. He had it 12-16-03 I rattled off. Sick how I have some aspects of Buddy's vaccination record memorized, isn't it? She looked a little surprised, then checked his chart where it was written that he did, in fact, have his Bordatella vaccination on 12-16-03. I am thinking right about then, "Why did you ask the question if you were just going to look it up anyway? Did you just want to put me at a psychological disadvantage? Like, 'you pitiful dog owner, you don't even know when his last shot was'. So you could be all professional and put me in my place before you told me how much this little disaster is going to cost?"

I can't help it, I get defensive with this vet. It seems they make a point of running up their bills as high as they can, like doing a cytology slide for an ear infection... when *every single* ear infection Buddy has ever had in his whole little doggie life has been yeast related.

She mentioned she was going to go check the cytology on the swabs and I finally got up the nerve to say, "I bet it's yeast." in a singsong kind of voice.

She sang right back, "I bet you're right." The undertone being, "I'm going to charge you for it anyway."


Anyway, then she informed me that for dogs that are exposed to other dogs on a regular basis, they really should have the Bordatella vaccination every 6 months. Shouldn't this be something that they told me when I came in to pick up his records so I could give them to the doggie daycare? Or maybe on any one of the last few visits he has had to the vet, when I mentioned how much he loves doggie daycare? Any of those times would have been perfect. But, no.... they have to wait until he gets sick. So he can come in for another office visit. And then he has to take antibiotics. And then he has to go in for a "re-check" visit. And then, if I am lucky and I am not so frazzled that I forget it, I can remind them to give him the damn shot that they should have told me he needed back in June!!!


At any rate, I have gotten about 4.5 hours sleep in the last 24 hours. I am tired and probably pretty incoherant at this point. I missed work today to watch over Buddy. Every time he takes the least little wheezy breath I freak out. I am starting to think he is just doing it to get my attention. Little faker.

Franz asked me this morning if he had a fever. I said "No, but earlier he bent over like he was faking a stomach cramp and licked his palms. So he had clammy hands. It's a good nonspecific symptom. He's a big believer in it." Franz said, "Little faker." I just laughed.

Points to anyone who recognizes what movie that's from. Not alot of points because it's easy, but points nonetheless.

Love to all,


P.S.- I mailed in my ballot Monday morning. J.K., I've my fingers crossed for you, man. :)


At Wed Oct 27, 10:22:00 PM PDT, Blogger c. said...

Kennel cough? Crikey! That sucks. It was a bad story written in a great way.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

At Thu Oct 28, 06:39:00 PM PDT, Blogger Sherry said...

You got it!! Ding ding ding!!! Tell him what he's won, Don Pardo!!!

Hee hee....



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