Monday, October 11, 2004

The second week begins....

So, here it is, early Monday morning. I am getting ready to go to work. I am hopeful that things will get more streamlined and go more smoothly today. I have so much stuff that I want to get done, but it is so much more difficult when you don’t have access to phones or computers or stuff like that. I will be darned if I am going to keep using my cell phone to conduct DVRC business… I am almost out of minutes for the month already!

At any rate, I have been able to compile a brief list of things you do well NOT to ask about or think too hard about when you work in a state office… hope you guys enjoy!

Questions you should not ask when you work at a state office

1) Why does this desk smell like urine?
2) I have this phone’s base… but where is the part of the phone that you hold?
3) Why did they take all these chairs apart?
4) What is that stain on the carpet in front of my desk?
5) A cell phone would be the most efficient thing to have to do this job… can I have one? Or would it be better to try to get 6 supervisors to coordinate 3 phone numbers at 3 offices?
6) Who should I ask about the computer that is sitting on this desk, but doesn’t actually work?
7) Where is that crying coming from?
8) What is that SMELL?!?!
9) Can I get a desk? Can I get a desk that has a chair that makes it so I can fit my knees under the desk?
10) Can I get a chair?
11) Why is this sticky?
12) Is that blood?

Well, that’s about all I can think of. Hopefully, some of those questions will be answered this week. Don’t get me wrong. I am happy to have a job. And I feel like I have great potential to really do some good. I just would like to start actually doing it some time soon.

Love to all,


At Mon Oct 11, 08:02:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the well funded world of social services. You're being paid so little that you might as well be volunteering - especially for the amount of crap you have to put up with and the lack of office supplies! Don't mind me, I am sooooo jaded! Hope to see you soon doll!

Cheers, Cass ; )

At Tue Oct 12, 11:35:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sherry I am a blogaholic! I read my friend's blogs and then link to friend's of friend's blogs. Oohh I'm such a voyeur. The reason I mention this is I'm reading Christian's blog and read that he lived on the corner of Murray and Scholls Ferry for a year and it was the most depressing year of his life. I am laughing and crying because I NOW live at this same intersection and have passed two of the worst years of my life here. Sigh, NYC here I come. Anyways...small world. ; )

Cheers, Cassandra

At Wed Oct 13, 11:02:00 AM PDT, Blogger Sherry said...

Cassandra- Yeah. The money is okay, though. I wasn't worried about the money, just doing a job that I liked, that I thought was worthwhile, and that I thought could make a difference. As long as I make enough to live on, I am fine. I knew I was never going to get rich being a social worker.

Christian- No, acutally. My shots are not up to date. I wonder what kind of shots I should get. Hmmmm.

Cassandra- Yep, you are a blog-a-holic. Hey! Are you really going to NYC? For a vacay or for keeps? What the heck is going on with you? You should start a blog of your own... I would read it! :)

P.S.- I have an additional thing to add to my list of questions that you should not think too hard about or ask when you work in a state office...
"Is it safe to put Lysol on a phone that will be touching my skin directly? Is dry Lysol hazardous? I know it smells funny, but is it carcinogenic?"

At Wed Oct 13, 03:00:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I'm getting a little worried here. Christian has a good point. Also, was it blood??? ;)

Love you,

At Thu Oct 14, 09:40:00 AM PDT, Blogger c. said...

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At Thu Oct 14, 01:57:00 PM PDT, Blogger c. said...

You should be fine if it's dried bodily fluids. It's the wet stuff you need to worry about.


Get a tetnus shot if there are any rusty nails around the office. Get Hepatitis B if there are needles. Get Hep A if you want to eat at the taco cart parked outside.

At Thu Oct 14, 09:41:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use lysol on my phone all the time, but I reccommend just getting some of those alcohol wipes from the first aid kit or some antibacterial hand wipes!

I am moving to NYC in January. The plan so far is to move in with my best friend Kevan and to return to being a flight attendant. I love social services but I am very antsy and can't deal with the 9-5 crap. My brain keeps saying MUST TRAVEL NOW. I will continue to volunteer and go to school though.

I will start a blog soon...I think I would like to wait until I have a digital camera so that I can add some pictures...

Cheers, Cass ; )


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