Why I Don't Write More Often....
It's because I read other people's blogs. It is exciting and self-defeating all at the same time. I get to see into all of these other lives. And, very often, they all seem so much more interesting than my little life. The competitor in me knows when I have been beaten, and I stop before I even start. So, there's that.
Then there are things that I would love to talk about and just can't. Like my job. Can't really say anything about it. It is heating up, however. I am getting busier and busier. Which is exciting. I love my work. I am glad that I am getting to help more people. At the same time, there are all these picky little administrative and contractual details that I have to contend with the State about. I hate that part. It is such bullshit... penny pinching and griping and moaning about the smallest little details. If I had wanted to be a cost accountant, I would have done that. All I wanted to do was to work to help people... that is what I chose to do, that is what I was hired to do, and that is what I wish more than anything else that they would just let me freakin do.
And then there is Franz. There is so much I can't say about him. I decided before I started this blog that there would be certain aspects of our life together that would be completely off limits. Things like fights, our sex life, insider jokes, etc. Private stuff that, even in today's world of Oprah and telling the world about your feelings on blogs, should still stay private. But it is hard because when you are blissfully, insanely happy, you want to tell the whole world about it. And I am... believe me, I am. Blissfully. Insanely. Happy. He is a God among mere mortal men. Nuff said on that.
The only really interesting thing that I have to talk about is New Zealand. The woman from the DV agency in Auckland wrote back to me, detailing sources of funding not only for her agency but also nationwide, as well as a ton of info about her particular agency and the hiring situation in country. It sounds like they have a really comprehensive program, which is exciting. She said that they keep two advocates out-stationed at the largest hospitals. Which I think is a terrific idea. It was an idea floating at the back of my head, but I hadn't really given it full thought until then. See? New ideas and I'm not even there, yet.
Also, it looks like it is going to be easier to get my visa than I thought. The NZIS (New Zealand Immigration Service) is loosening it's restrictions on the points system to send in your "Expression of Interest" in becoming a resident on December 13th, 2004. I already had over the required 100 points by virtue of my degree, the fact that they are short of social workers and a few other things. But Franz was going to be squeaking by to try to catch 100. Now it looks like we will both be able to apply without either of us being disproportionately "top-heavy". I really didn't want to take a chance on one of us being approved and the other not. Now it looks like that is less of a concern. So, woo hoo! Looks like God is smiling on our endeavor. :)
Well, Franz is almost out of the shower. He just got back from playing soccer. We have to go eat something. I am starved. I hope that this post finds everyone out there happy and healthy!
Love to all,
Franz has a secret blog.
Oh, you should read it! Very personal stuff. It's called "The Tearful Clown". He posts everyday, sometimes twice a day. But, shhhhhh,it's a secret. If you ask him about it, he'll deny it. Oh boy, OH BOY!It's got a lot of sexy stories and pictures of his favorite Garbage Pail Kids.
That explains it... that's why he hardly ever posts on his own blog!
hi sherry, i'm tim. we've never met, but i dated franz for 3 years. no, wait, that was "studying." so, i read along at home here because i learn as much from your blog as from franz's. that and i figured that as you seem really important in his life that it might be nice to know more about you.
so, here's a hope in story form: to me, my life seems insanely boring. i do the same stuff all the time, i have a house, some dogs, i study. i have a great wife, blah blah blah.
i'm sure (well, really hope) that other people think that my life is pretty exciting.
i can promise that if anyone thinks my life is exciting, they'd think the same about yours. heck, i don't know anything about the inner workings of government agencies. i'll bet they're a hoot (in a messed-up sort of way).
moral: you should write more, i promise that people will read it.
then again, all i do is post periodic comments on people's blogs so what do i know? well, i know that people love to procrastinate:)
Awwwww... thanks Tim!! You are welcome here any time! And I promise I will try to post more often. :)
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