Wednesday, November 03, 2004

No... NO... NO!!!!!

I can’t fucking believe it! John Kerry, why are you giving up on us? Why aren’t you fighting for us? You are going to concede?!?! Whatever happened to "It ain’t over until the fat lady sings?" They said it might take 11 days to count Ohio. What about all the absentee ballots? You and Edwards said you would fight to make sure that every vote counts and every vote was counted. And you are giving up on us before they are! What’s the rush? You guys spent millions to campaign to get our votes... why are you in such a hurry to give up before they are counted?

I am so confused. I am heartsick and despondent. This is not my country anymore.

It’s like I went to bed one night in America and woke up the next night in Bizzaro World.

The "good" people of Oregon voted to add an amendment to our constitution to ban gay marriage in our state. They amended our constitution *specifically to discriminate against a group of people*... to keep them from getting married. To keep them from being able to get joint health insurance. To keep them from being able to visit their loved one in the hospital. To keep them from creating families. Where the hell did we go wrong? We have the second highest unemployment rate in the nation. We have other, much bigger, problems. And what do we do? Add an amendment to hurt people!! Make perfect sense, right?

I thought people here were educated. I thought people here were liberal. I was happy living here... I felt like the people around me felt the same way I did on the major issues.

They don’t. There is nothing more enlightened or intelligent about this state than there is about the rest of America. At least we voted for Kerry. Maybe Oregon isn’t a total lost cause. But the rest of it? Everyone voted differently than I did. I feel like I am going to lose my mind. I can’t be the only one who is paying attention. I can’t be the only one who believes people should be equal. Who believes all the votes should be counted before the candidates we fought for quit fighting for us.

I know one other person who feels the way I do. Me and him, we are going to form a "coalition of the willing". We are going to go take over another country and do it all over again... this time, we are going to get it right. People in our new country aren’t going to discriminate against each other. We aren’t going to destroy the environment to profit big business. We are going to have honest news agencies that do real investigative reporting. We are going to have a government flooded in sunshine so bright that they won’t be able to do anything without the people knowing about it and approving of it.

And we will call it.... New Zealand.

Love to all,



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