Thursday, November 18, 2004

Busy, busy, busy...

I have been super busy these last two days at work. I went back on Wednesday, and even though I still felt horrible the entire time, I still managed to meet with a bunch of clients, field a ton of phone calls and handle a two hour meeting reasonably intelligently.

Today I didn't actually see any clients face to face, but I did a bunch of phone consults and staffed a case with one of the caseworkers at that branch. But this case wasn't like any of the others that this particular caseworker had brought me. I knew something was up when she was backing out of my doorway saying, "Whenever you have a minute..." Inconsistent body language is a big indicator of something being wrong. When your body is doing something different from what your mouth is saying, there is usually a problem. She wanted to staff a case with me, but her body didn't want to be in the room. Now I know why.

She wanted to talk to me about her own daughter.

She came to me and asked me if I thought there was anything else she could do to get her daughter to leave her abusive boyfriend. I gave her every idea I had, but I don't know if it will do any good. If the girl isn't ready, then she just isn't ready. I consider it one of the highest compliments imaginable that this caseworker approached me to tell her story, though. She told me about her own abuse history, her fears for her daughter, and everything she had tried to tell the girl to help her leave, up until now. To take the personal parts of yourself into your professional life in this type of environment is a big risk. And she trusted me enough to approach me for help. That's twice now that I have wanted to cry with relief that this job is really working... I remember when I started that I had a lot of worries about whether or not the caseworkers would trust me.

I guess they do.

Today, as result of that, and as a result of some of the more horrific stories I heard from DV victims, I feel blessed. I felt blessed when that caseworker trusted me enough to talk with me. I felt blessed when I realized how lucky I am in to be in a gentle, loving relationship with someone who loves me for me... not because he can boss me around or hurt me. I am so thankful for my life. For all the beauty I get to see in the world each day. There was a HUGE rainbow outside my office today. And tons of bright red leaves all over bright green grass in front of my window. I came home to a beautiful golden dog with a big happy grin. And pretty soon I will get to look into the amazing green eyes of the man I love. It doesn't get much better than that.

Thanks for reading everyone! I am so glad that I get to share my little life with such wonderful people.

Love to all,


P.S.- If you want to read a neat blog about some folks from Seattle who are currently visiting New Zealand, go to
They have taken some fantastic photos so far, and had great things to say about their time in country. They are both friends of Franz's, and by extension, mine. So, check 'em out. :)


At Thu Nov 18, 11:48:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could rain on your parade, but your cheerful disposition is catching.


-Sad Sally


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