Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Still not a whole lot to say...

I have not been feeling very well the last few days. Will someone PLEASE explain to me the evolutionary advantage that PMS (that's right, I said it! I'm not afraid to talk about it!) gives the human race. Or at least my half of the human race? How did we get to a point where cramps are helpful in the "circle of life"? And what good does bloating do? Hundreds of years ago, did bloated cavewomen somehow look bigger to dinosaurs and other predators so they would leave them alone? Is this IN ANY WAY helpful??

I say not.

I say it sucks and something should be done about it. I think we should get someone in genetic engineering working on this RIGHT NOW. Damn male-dominated research funding, damn it straight to hell.


Do you think moodiness could be a helpful evolution in female humanity?

Probably not, huh?

Love to all,


P.S.- Thanks to Franz for feeding me (well, not literally, EWWWW! - but cooking lunch and dinner for me) when I am too tired to eat. And letting me sleep almost the whole entire day. And for loving me even when I am grumpy. He's heard this whole PMS evolution theory thing before... and he still loves me anyway. :)


At Wed Jun 23, 07:34:00 PM PDT, Blogger c. said...

So I had this thought while in pain at the gym. Pain. What does it tell us? If I remember back to human physiology back in college, Dr. Favero said, "Pain is the great indicator that you should stop doing something."

Here's my theory:

Mentruation is all about reproduction, right? (Actually life in general --in it's simplist sense -- is all about reproduction.) Menstruation occurs when you are least likely to be fertile. You are about to shed the lining of your uterus. That's not good for growing a baby.

Pain, moodiness, cramping -- do you feel like having sex?

Probably not. It's your body telling you, this isn't a good time to try to make a new life.

I'd love to talk about this more soon. I think I'll blog about it later. Thanks for the question.


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