Saturday, June 05, 2004

The days are just packed....

Another interesting day here in PDX. I am watching a man who is washing the windows on my balcony right now. It is sort of a surreal experience to be separated from a stranger four floors up by only a piece of glass. Right now he is yelling in a foreign language to someone who is hanging from a rope only one floor below me. Again, surreal.

Well, he just climbed over the balcony and let himself down to the third floor. Neat, huh? I love living in Portland.

So, what else is going on? Buddy was looking a little peaked, so I cut up some carrots for him and put them in his food bowl. He loved them... as long as I was hand feeding them to him. The ones that went into his food bowl remain untouched. (sigh) He is so spoiled rotten. Franz suggested putting them on a people food plate and presenting them to him that way. He said he would eat all of them then. The sad part is, he is probably dead on right. Buddy is equally fascinated with the window washers. He walked out onto the balcony to watch them earlier and some children yelled up from the street, "I like your dog!!" He gets so much attention living here, it is wonderful.

I just submitted my resume' and online application to the hospital that Franz's sister works for. She gave me a heads up about a job opening they will have soon. It should be good if I get it. I am looking forward to it.

Franz and I went out with friends last night and did a wine tasting at a place called "Noble Rot" just off 28th. I discovered I am not a big fan of Turley region wines. No matter how "huge" and "hard to get" they are. One of the people I was sitting with tried a wine from a different region and said, "This is the most inconsequential wine I have ever had" - or something to that effect. I know the word "inconsequential" was used. I wanted to say something bourgeois like, "Aren't they all?" just to be a smartass. At any rate, I almost asked to try it, because I wanted to know exactly what an inconsequential wine tastes like. I refrained and simply nodded my head in agreement over his plight. Poor guy... he paid $5.00 for 2 ounces of an inconsequential wine. Sometimes I think I need a reality check in this new world I live in. Strangely enough, though, I still liked the couple we had drinks with. They are both totally into food and wine, and I feel I could learn a great deal from them.

Franz, as usual, continues to be an amazing boyfriend. He always comes up with interesting things for us to do and see together. Tonight we will be going to this old Portland theater called "The Bagdad Theater". We are going to see an independent film called "What the Bleep Do We Know?" It is apparently about the combined understanding all the sciences have about the nature of our universe. It should be pretty interesting. I wonder if Stephen Hawking will be in it? That would be cool if he was.

That is about all from here for now. Hope all is well with everyone out there who is reading this. More later!



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