Cable TV...
I think I am going to get rid of my cable TV. It is just not a good thing and it no longer fits in with the way I want my life to be. You know, healthy and non-sedentary.
I had things I was going to get done on Wednesday. I was going to take the leftover paint out to the disposal site on the Industrial side of town. I was going to vacuum. I was going to do laundry. I was considering Windexing the windows in the condo... no small task. Thanks to VH1's Top 100 Countdown of the Best Kept Hollywood Secrets, and my complete lack of get-up-and-go, all I got done was one load of laundry. And it's still in the dryer waiting to be folded. Some people would say that means that I didn't really get a whole load of laundry done. The stricter side of my personality would agree with them.
Anyway, after taking a nap, I took Buddy out for the umpteenth time and then decided to go out for a walk myself. I ended up having dinner at Pastini. Thanks in equal parts to Franz and the show "Sex in the City", I have recently discovered the joys of drinks called Cosmopolitans. Most people here just call them "Cosmo's"... not to be confused with cosmos. I am sure a theoretical physicist could argue that you could actually find an entire cosmos inside a Cosmopolitan, but I am not a theoretical physicist, and I wouldn't get involved in such a ridiculous conversation anyway. Angels on the head of a pin and so forth... blah, blah, blah. Still doesn't change the fact that another Bush is in the White House and I don't have a job.
Anyway, I had two nice Cosmo's, some pasta and bruschetta. Then I walked home. On the way, I stopped and joined the Hollywood Video next to my house, and popped into Safeway to get a low-fat snack. I picked up a few movies, one of which I actually watched, VH1 be damned. It was called "Monster". It is about Aileen Wuornos... the story of her life told from her point of view. The only things I can say about it are that Charlize Theron is a masterful actress, and it was an incredibly sad and depressing movie. That and I would like to see a study where they compare the sentences of male serial killers convicted of killing three females, versus the sentences of female serial killers convicted of killing three males. I bet the results would be fascinating.
Anyway, I haven't quite decided when I am going to get the cable disconnected, but I think it will be in the next few months if I don't develop some sort of callous that stops me from flipping the damn thing on whenever I am bored or feeling lazy. Probably definitely when I get my job... who wants to pay for t.v. that you never have time to watch. Think of all the stuff I could get done if I didn't watch so much t.v.
It's good to dream sometimes.
Love to all,
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