Hi Everyone!
Wow! 7 people read my blog yesterday! This is so cool, I just don't know what to say. So, hi everybody. Thanks for coming and I promise to keep writing. :)
Well, yesterday was VEEERRRRYYY LOOONNGGG. I was unpacking (again) and it took forever. I'm not kidding- it took 4 hours to finish one box!! When I looked up and saw what time it was I almost started to cry! The box I unpacked was full of papers to be filed, though. So it was basically pulling out a paper or an envelope, taking it out and reading it, figuring out where it needed to go, making a folder if there wasn't one (with my nifty labelmaker no less!), and putting it in the right file. So, long and boring time, but I got a lot done. More than it looks like I got done.
Anyway, after that and moving some things around, disassembling some boxes, vacuuming the condo and setting up the old desk again I was pretty tired. So, even though I said I didn't want to see Franz at the condo until after this was all over (because he is a HUGE distraction- in a good way, though- hi baby!!)I called him and he agreed to come over. Which was good, since I didn't want to cook and he took me to this amazing Thai restaurant called "Lemongrass". It was nothing short of fantastic. I had a simple dish that you can get at any Thai restaurant called "Pad Thai Gai"... which is basically chicken with thai noodles. But at this restaurant it tasted fresher and more vibrant that I have ever had it before. I ate almost the whole dish, except for a few bean sprouts, which were fabulous. Anyways, if you are ever in Portland and hungry for some Thai food, Lemongrass is the place to go. You kinda have to know where it is though, because it is in what looks like just a normal house in the middle of a residential neighborhood. It has flowers all around the outside with vines creeping over huge arbors. If you didn't know it was a restaurnt you would just think it was an old Victorian style house. But, WOW, it is sooo worth it!
Then we came home and watched a movie called "Black Cat White Cat". It is a foreign film with subtitles. I am not sure what country it was supposed to be set in... somewhere on the Danube. It is sort of a comedy, sort of surreal and pretty funny. You will either be shaking your head or laughing pretty much the whole second half of the movie. If you like just watching movies that are totally unreal, you will love this movie... it's a lot of fun. Zany is a good word for it... and not one you hear often.
Also, we saw the movie called "Super Size Me" the other day. This was the perfect movie to see on the first day of my diet. It is about a man who wanted to find out what would happen if he ate a diet of only McDonald's food for one month solid. It was truly terrible. This poor guy, after only a few weeks of eating this junk, became so sick that his doctors were talking about hospitalizing him. He gained something like 20 pounds in one month, his liver started to fail, he became terribly depressed and completely addicted to, believe it or not, the food. It was shocking and very revealing at the same time. Everyone, and I mean everyone, should go see this movie. It is unbelievable. And sort of a nice commentary on American culture and where we are going wrong right now.
Well, today will be spent unpacking... again. (sigh) I am NEVER moving again. And I still need to finish my resume'. Can't I hire someone to do that for me? I hate writing resume's because my potential boss is going to skim it for maybe 15 seconds and then say, "So tell me about your previous work experience." Then I will sit there and regurgitate everything it says on the piece of paper for a few minutes. What is the point?? AARRGGHHH!!! I am going to sit here and agonize over something that it is likely will never be fully read. Pain in the butt, is what it is.
That's all I've got so far today. Hope everyone is doing well and is happy!!
Oh yeah, and thanks for reading my blog!
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