A Really Bad Day....
It all started VERY early this morning. I couldn't sleep, so I was sitting up and reading. My neck and shoulder were hurting- as usual, and for no good reason. I finally went to bed at about 6am.
I got up at 9:15 to take Franz to work, and was promptly greeted with sharp pains in my shoulder upon trying to move it. It has been aching all damn day, and I can't really move it worth a damn. Two ibuprofen haven't made a dent. We are leaving on a 3 day trip to Canada tomorrow for Franz's Scrabble Tournament and there is a ton of laundry to be done before packing. And now I will be doing it all single- and left- handed. Sucks.
While taking Franz to work this morning, I made the mistake of changing lanes on the steel grates of the Morrison Bridge. One of Portland's finest was waiting, all opportunistic-like, and pulled me over. Well, not so much pulled me over as made me stop in the middle of the street, in traffic. He promptly slapped me with a $242.00 ticket... to which I must respond by appearing in court and pleading "not guilty", or writing in and pleading "guilty" or "no contest"- either way, I still have to pay the damn thing. I have never plead guilty to anything in my life. And, oh by the way, I can't find my car's registration. Super.
I came back home and cried myself to sleep again. I don't deal well with being admonished by authority figures. I pride myself on being a pretty good person all on my own, without somebody else having to tell me to. By the time I woke up at 1:30, I was already anxious about not having heard anything about the job. (You remember, the "kids and dogs job" at the doggie daycare run by the agency that helps homeless youths.) Well, I actually got an interview the other day... first call I have gotten on anything I have applied for in over a month.
By 2:30pm I couldn't stand it any more. I called to check and see... and was forced to leave a message. The guy called me back at 2:41pm and told me that I "didn't make the cut, but just barely" and "we'll keep you in mind, blah, blah, blah". I thanked him and hung up. Strange, that. We thank people for telling us that we weren't worthy of a 20 hour a week $10.00 per hour job. I made better money without the fucking degree (partly because I didn't have the extra $18,000 in school loan debt)... and I worked more often, too.
Both my mother and my sister say that I will always hate my work as long as I keep applying for shit jobs like the one at the library, etc. I guess the biggest problem is I can't think of a job that isn't a "shit job". Right now, they all look like crap to me.
There are days when it really sucks to be me... this was just one of them. I know I should count my blessings... great husband, great dog, great house, great car... all things better than I have ever had them before. And, to a certain extent, I am counting them. But when a day like today rolls around, it's hard to feel grateful.
Especially when you are typing with only one hand because you can't lift your arm. Stupid shoulder.
Well, that's about all out of me. I hope everyone else is doing better than I am today.
Love to all,
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