Friday, December 31, 2004

The Last Night of the Year...

Well, this is it, folks! At midnight tonight, 2004 will officially be over.

May she rest in peace.

After all the tragedy this year, I am kind of glad it is over. Five hurricanes hitting Florida, the huge tsunami killing all those people the other day, Mt St Helen's going up (okay, so that wasn't a tragedy, but it was kinda scary to me). So was the man that got shot outside the building, as well as Bush getting re-elected. (Welcome to my blog, Bob and Dianne!) Kind of scary/sad year.

But this year has also been good for me personally in a lot of ways. I left a bad relationship behind. I graduated. I got my first professional job. I had (an unintentional) five and a half months off. Franz and I solidified our relationship this year. We bought and lived in the condo. We remodeled the bathroom together. Buddy and Franz really took to each other this year. I think the high point of this year was my graduation party. I was humbled and astounded that so many people showed up to tell me that they cared about me. It just doesn't get any better than that. I still think about that day often.

Today will be spent doing laundry and getting ready for the big vacation to Florida. We are leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning about 6:30am for two whole weeks of glorious fun in the sun. I get to see my family for the first week, and then Franz and I are going to be alone together for the second week down in the Keys. No cell phones or pagers going off telling me about the next crisis for two whole weeks. No DV victims either. No crying, no brusies and no emotional scars for two whole weeks. And no children that are going to probably grow up to be victims to worry about. Thank the Lord.

Hopefully we will get to swim with dolphins while we are there. And we are going to get to go to Disney for three whole days... staying in one of the hotels in the resort during that time. I am looking forward to weather that is sunny with highs in the 70's pretty much the whole time. God, it just doesn't get any better than that. You never appreciate the sunshine until you don't have it for a while.

So, as the question in my subconscious always asks, "Next?" What's next for 2005? Well, hopefully this is the year that a few really good things will happen. First and foremost, hopefully Franz and I will be married in 2005. I will also be doing my level best to lose the extra weight I have put on the last few years so I will be a stunning bride (as well as wife). And, if all goes as planned, my new husband and I- along with our very furry "son"- will be immigrating (emigrating?) to New Zealand. And I will continue to learn more about myself as well as my relationships, break old habits and create new (hopefully healthier) ones. And Buddy, Franz and I will be happy, stay in love as a new, young family and be healthy.

In short... more of the same.

Thanks to all of my readers for keeping an eye on me this year. I know that I haven't always posted as often as some of you would have liked, and I haven't always been as brief as others of you would have liked. (But, hey, if you want total control over a blog... go make your own!) Nonetheless, I am grateful for everyone who has made comments over the last few months, as well as the people who have just lurked around and read. Thank you!

I wish nothing but the best for all of us in the coming year!

Love to all,


Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Here are some things you would have overheard tonight if you lived at our house:

* (Franz returns from getting his hair cut)
Me: Hi baby! (I haven't seen him yet.)
Franz: Hi honey... (soft mumbles from Franz to Buddy as Buddy greets him with his characteristic enthusiasm)... how was the rest of your day?
Me: Hang on, I am almost done with this game. (I finish and come around the corner.) Wow... they cut it short.
Franz: You hate it, don't you?
Me: Ummm... honey, "hate" is such a strong word. (We both crack up.)

(a little later)

Me: I feel so sorry for your poor head. You are going to get so sunburned.
Franz: Well, I'll wear a hat.
Me: Yeah, you are going to have to. Don't forget to pack a hat because you are going to need it. Your poor head... the hair is so short the sun is going to just kill your head.
Franz: Don't worry, I'll bring my hat.
Me: And sunglasses, too.
Franz: (sigh)

* After dinner:

Franz: Aren't you going to put on your new fuzzy socks?
Me: But I haven't washed them yet. They are dirty.
Franz: C'mon... they are brand new! No one has worn them.
Me: Good point. Okay. (I put on the socks.)
Franz: Awww.... you have Grover (muppet from Sesame Street) Feet!!
Me: (laughing, then long pause) Hey!! How long have you been waiting to tell me I have Grover Feet?? Did you get these for me just so you could say I have Grover Feet??
Franz: Nope, I just thought of it right now. (long pause) But it's true, isn't it?
Me: Yeah. (long pause) You can rub my Grover Feet if you want. (big grin)

*Later on in the evening:
Me: I think I like your hair. Yep, you are definitely cute.
Franz: (mutes t.v.) Really?
Me: Absolutely... you are adorable. You look like you are in the military.
Franz: (looks at me with a big skeptical look)
Me: WHAT?!?! That's not *always* a bad thing.
Franz: (shakes his head, un-mutes t.v., and goes back to watching it)

*Still later as he is tucking me in:
Me: That was weird.
Franz: What?
Me: I breathed in and my nose made this whistling noise that sounded exactly like the opening notes of that Cameo song "Word Up".
Franz: (cracks up laughing and shaking his head, then spells out...) W-O-R-D... UP! Everybody say....
Me: Shush! (pause as Franz is still smiling at me) Aren't you glad I can still make you laugh after all this time?

I love you, Franz.

That's all for now.

Love to all,


Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Loot Lowdown...

So, here is what we got for Christmas....

Franz got a Kitchen Aid mixer. But not just any Kitchen Aid mixer... nope, he got a SPECIAL Kitchen Aid mixer. It is a special edition mixer made just for Williams Sonoma. With extra wattage and special designer colors. He loved it. It is Cinnamon colored. It actually reminds me of the color of my Mom's car. :) Anyway, there were too many choices of what kind of attachment to get, so Franz got another Christmas present... it was just invisible. He has to go pick out what kind of mixer attachment he wants and I will buy it.

I got "America: The Book" by the same people who do Comedy Central's Daily Show. It is basically a funny version of an American history book. It's also funny because that was one of my ideas for something to get for Franz for Christmas. Our tastes are so scarily similar sometimes. Anyway, I also got Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Season 7 on DVD...thus completing my collection. (Woo hoo!) I also got some really pretty, soft fuzzy blue socks for wearing around the house (guess someone is tired of me wedging my ice cold feet under him when he sits on the couch) and also some nice black socks for work. And I got a Sonicare toothbrush! But not just any Sonicare toothbrush... nope, Franz got me the "top of the line" toothbrush! It is so cool! I can't wait to brush my teeth with it for the first time. It has to charge up for 24 hours first, though. Yaaaaa!! Good oral hygiene!! (hee hee....) :) <--- see? That's me smiling with my shiny clean teeth.

Franz's folks sent me a few presents, too!! Can you believe it? I haven't even met them yet and they send me Christmas presents and also a card for my graduation. They sent me a Christmas candle in a glass jar. It smells like cinnamon and vanilla... it makes me hungry whenever I take the lid off. They also sent me two little ceramic snowmen for our Christmas tree. I am hoping that we will be all settled in a house in New Zealand next Christmas, and we can have a Christmas tree. I haven't had a Christmas tree since I moved to Oregon. Because we always were going to celebrate Christmas elsewhere. Next year it will probably be just me and Franz. I am going to try to make it as festive as possible so we will be less homesick.

Actually, days like yesterday make thinking about moving to NZ harder. Franz has such a wonderfully warm family, and going to have Christmas dinner with them was wonderful. Franz's neices are both still little and cute.... and funny as hell. They had us all laughing so hard that it was difficult to breathe. And sitting down to a big feast with all of them was so great. I will miss it next year. And I think that Franz will too, whether he knows it yet or not. Like it or not, I am just one person... and I know I am not the best homemaker in the world. I have doubts as to how warm I can make a home.... and no matter what I do it won't take the place of all those loved ones talking and laughing and cooking and telling stories. We shall see. Maybe I am getting all anxious over nothing. I hope....

Anyway, all of those fears aside, Franz and I gave ourselves one more Christmas present yesterday. We sent in our Expression of Interest to the New Zealand Immigration Service. All 22 pages of it. Franz stood over my right shoulder as I clicked "Submit". So, we have paid our $355.00 NZ (about $200.00 US Dollars) and sent in all of personal information. We have six chances to be drawn from the EOI lottery pool. Keep your fingers crossed, folks. Yesterday was the first time it occured to me that we might not make it in. And it makes me want it even more. The next drawing in on Jan 5th. I'll keep you all posted.

Merry Christmas everyone. I love you all!


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Greetings Arizona!!

Well, I understand from some of the Oregon Hass______ contingent that I have managed to get Franz in trouble with my blog. Already, or again, as the case may be. :)

So, let me take this opportunity to say "Merry Christmas" and "Welcome To My Blog" to all the Hass_______ clan out there in Arizona and elsewhere!!!

Let me also quickly say that the whole asking my Dad to walk me down the aisle stuff was purely contingency planning on my part. Franz and I have talked about getting married, even talked about when might be a good time to do so (we were thinking maybe next September some time), but NOTHING IS OFFICIAL!!

Yet... (big grin).

But, keep watching for further updates.... because you just never know!

Merry Christmas to all my friends and family. Especially to my Mom, my sister-Sheila, and my nephew- the "JuJuBean". And Merry Christmas to all of Franz's friends and family that read my little blog. You are all very welcome here any time. Feel free to make comments whenever you see something you think is good (or bad).

I am looking forward to meeting all of you that I haven't met, and seeing those of you who I have met already again real soon. (But, just so you all know, there isn't an actual official plan in place to do that either.) :)

Love to all and Merry Christmas,


Thursday, December 23, 2004

Just a random observation from a few days ago…

I was driving to work on Hwy. 26 the other day when I pulled alongside a big white delivery truck. On the side, in huge letters, were the words “Vietnam Veterans of America” in a circle around a colorful, striped emblem I recognized from some of my father’s old war medals. Underneath that were the words, “Household Discards Promptly Picked Up.”

It looks like they have set up some sort of program where people go and pick up other people’s garbage, and use the proceeds from that for the veterans. It got me thinking. Do the young men and women who are going into the military now know the way that society will treat them 25 years from now? Do they know that they will be glorified garbage men and women, living on the proceeds from the scraps of others? Do they understand that their government won’t honor them, won’t care about their sacrifices… probably not even five years from now, much less twenty-five.

They don’t even honor them now. Donald Rumsfeld just got lambasted in the press for not personally signing the letters of condolence that go out to the families of deceased soldiers in Iraq. He had an auto-signer machine do the job.

Let’s just take a moment to put this in perspective:

The Secretary of Defense could not be bothered to take the time to sign his name to a letter telling a family why it was so important that their son or daughter died for America… to give them the thanks of a grateful nation for their families’ sacrifice of a loved one.

What a fucking bastard.

Anyway, I just wonder if these kids that think they are signing up for money, glory and honor know what they are getting themselves in to?

I don’t think they do.

That's all for now.

Love to all,


Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Coast...

Well, Franz and I went to the coast this weekend. Franz's brother-in-law got some free trade certificates (as a reward for his good work- way to go Andy!!) that could be used for a free night's stay at the Embarcadero Resort in Newport, OR. It was a really nice place. We got one of their best rooms... but they might just say that on the phone to everyone, though. We got to sit on our little patio and watch the most amazing sunset, though. So, to my way of thinking, it was a pretty good room.

The weather was the real star, though. It was sunny and 68 degrees on the coast when we arrived!!! In the middle of DECEMBER!! Amazing. This is three times I have gone to the coast with Franz when the weather should have been terrible, and it has been amazingly beautiful. Life is just plain better with him in it. Later that evening, we sat out on the patio listening to the seagulls calling and otters barking, watching all the boats in the harbor that were lit up with Christmas lights. Just beautiful. :)

It rained a little this morning, but we got to go to the Coast Aquarium which was really cool. We got to watch otters being fed. I touched a few sea anemones and sea urchins. And we met a funny little seal that swam up to our underwater viewing window, flipped over upside down showing us his tummy, then stuck his mouth on the glass- tongue out! He stayed like that for the longest time, too! We couldn't figure out what he was doing. I wonder if maybe someone licked the glass one time and he just decided this was a good way to communicate with us humans. So now he is mimicking that behavior in an effort to say, "Hey, feed me!" Or, "Hey, get me out of here!"

Or he could just be a vastly more intelligent species and was just fucking with us. "You humans think you are so smart- with your Jacques Cousteau... and your marine biologists... and animal behaviorists! Figure this one out, bitches!" That would be funny.

Whatever it was, it worked, because I am still thinking about him. Crazy little seal.

Anyway, I have to send a big thank you to Mark and Renee, who watched Buddy for us while we were gone. He did pretty good, too. He didn't kill either of their sons or their new puppy, and didn't have any accidents in the house... all of which are better than expected! Just kidding guys!!! :)

I also want to say thanks to Andy and Teresa for letting us have those passes. We had a very relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. It was just what the doctor ordered. And totally what we needed with both of us working so much lately. Thanks guys!

Well, that is about all for now. I am getting sleepy and I am not very close to the ocean tonight so it is going to take longer to fall asleep.


(Plus, I don't have my baby here with me!! I miss you already Franz! I love you!!)

Love to all,


Sunday, December 12, 2004

The weekend...

Well, it was a long weekend. I was out sick for two and a half days last week. So, I guess it is sort of like taking a long weekend. I still feel pretty tired, but the medicine is starting to be able to get some control over the pain in my head. That has to be a good sign, right?

I still get tired out VERY quickly, though. I just took a shower and had to sit down for a bit afterwards. Franz was kind enough to take me out to go see a movie today. We saw "Sideways". A small independent film about two friends who go on a road trip before one is set to be married. It was a "real life" movie. The bad guy doesn't get his comeuppance, the good guy probably gets the girl (it isn't actually spelled out), and people get hurt with no consequences for the one who did the hurting. In short, the same thing that happens in real life everyday. All in all it was a pretty good film. Gave me a lot to think about, anyway.

I have been meaning to tell you all about something else that happened the other day that I thought was sad. I called my Dad to tell him that we would be moving to NZ and that I would probably be getting married next September or so. I asked him if he wanted to walk me down the aisle. He said he wasn't sure if he would be able to make the trip. Just so we are all on the same page, my Dad had a heart transplant a few years ago. He has been in and out of the hospital ever since. But he travels ALL THE TIME. Everytime I talk with him he is just getting back from some other state. But, ask him to walk me down the aisle, and he's not sure if he can make it. I would have thought that he would have said something all Hallmark, like "Just name the time and the place, and I'll be there my darling girl." Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

I can't believe that I am 31 and I still get blindsided by how callous he can be. I can't believe I even had the shortsighted stupidity to actually ask him to walk me down the aisle. Why do I open myself up for people to hurt me? I will never understand that about myself.

Franz summed it up nicely when he met my father for the first time. After taking everything he knew about him into account (several days worth of data), he said, "Well, I think he's a putz." And that was it. His honest assessment. He didn't say it to be hurtful. I asked what he thought and he flat out told me. Honestly. The thing that I love the most about Franz is that he is pretty much always honest and always himself.

Franz is the first of my boyfriends not to like my father. And to be open about it. None of that "I think he's a great man" crap. All he saw was that my Dad said and did things that hurt my feelings and made me feel small. And, in his eyes, my Dad was a putz. It was that simple. It made me realize that Franz is someone who, amazingly enough, is just in my corner. I think I love Franz all the more for telling it to me like it is. For not coddling me and telling me that my father is a great guy. People who always tried to tell me how great my Dad was always made me feel worse, because if he was such a great guy and the things that he was saying were hurting me, then it means he must be telling the truth, right? If he is a wonderful man, with such great insight on the world, and he doesn't love me, or he thinks I am fat, or whatever... then it must be true. Franz has been the only man in my life to say that it just isn't that way. That my Dad is wrong. That I am worth more than that.

And that's why I love Franz. He makes me feel like I really am the person I always thought I was, without my father's interference and put downs. He makes me feel like I am worthy of being loved without having to perform within a certain set of narrow parameters. He makes me feel like I don't have to get straight A's, or be thinner, or smarter, or prettier, or more mannerly, or more sophisticated than I am. He says that he loves me the way that I am.

And I believe him.

That's all for now. I have to get some more sleep. I am going to go back to work tomorrow if it kills me.

Love to all,


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sinus infections and pissy moods....

Well, here we are again, folks. Turns out the reason why I have been so overwhelmingly tired is because the sinus infection that I thought I had gotten rid of was just hibernating for a week or two. And now it is back full swing. My head hurts so much more than usual, I just find it difficult to describe it. I guess the best way to describe it is that it hurts to open my eyes too wide. So I keep them squinted at about half mast. I feel like someone has put my head in a vice if I do more than that. If I keep them partially closed, it only feels like someone is sitting on my head. And I also have absolutely NO appetite. Because a Sherry won't eat what a Sherry can't smell.

You know, I don't think I ever mentioned this on this blog, but I have been dealing with a recurring, low level sinus infection for about 18 years now. It started when I was about 12 or 13. I used to get chronic nosebleeds. I went to see a specialist in Ocala, but he was a quack that was trying to gouge my Mom for money. So I stopped going. We saw a different doctor and he advised a simple, more naturopathic treatment, that did actually stop the nosebleeds for a few years.

For the first year and a half that I lived in Oregon, I had almost no problems with my sinuses. I felt I had moved to heaven. Maybe it was just something about Florida? Maybe it had nothing to do with the fact that my father had smoked in the house all around me from the time I was born until I moved out at age 16? Maybe, maybe, maybe. Then I caught my first cold. Which devolved into a sinus infection. And it has been pretty constant ever since.

The last doctor I saw for this before I left Florida talked about sinus surgery. Taking a fiberoptic camera with little lasers at the end of it and going in to fix whatever the blockage or problem is that makes it so easy for me to get a sinus infection. All I could remember was that quack who had jammed a similar instrument several *feet* into my head without anesthetic, and the pain that caused. I remembered how sweaty my hand was as I gripped my mother's in pain, and the tears that were running down my cheeks as he tortured me- all for the purpose of having "a little look-see." Now they wanted to do the same thing over again, but with lasers? And no guarantee of relief, or success? I don't think so, doc... and I think you know what you can do with your long, tube like apparatus.

In addition, he recommended food and other allergy testing. If I was allergic to say, something like a particular dairy food, I could simply stop eating that food and it would lessen the infections I got. And if I was allergic to something unavoidable in the environment, then they could give me a shot every month to stop the allergy from causing sinus infections. Well, there were several problems with this, as far as I was concerned. First of all, he described the test as sticking *multiple* needles in my arm.... then waiting to see which pinpricks swelled up, turned red, etc. Unacceptable. And then the possibility that one of those needles would tell me that I couldn't eat pizza any more? Unacceptable. And oh, even if it turns out you are just allergic to something like dust? More needles!! Every month!! Long term.

Big time unacceptable. I just could not see how this made my life more bearable. So, you want to stick needles in me to either:
a) figure out what else I should be depriving myself of, or
b) so you can stick more needles in me.

I don't think so.

So, now here we are years and years later. Tons of antibiotics taken, tons of bed rest, tons of naturopathic remedies tried. The most interesting of which is called a Neti pot. It is a smallish, teapot-looking thing. You fill it with salty water, lean your head down and to the side over a sink, and use the spout of the pot to pour water into one side of your nose, until it fills up all the sinuses in your head and pours out the other side of your nose. Sounds horrible, right? I have still done it multiple times, trying to get rid of this pain.

And it is back again. It has been years since I have bothered to try to see a specialist for this. I think I am ready to try again. Maybe they will have some new technology. Maybe they will have a new antibiotic that really kills the things that cause these types of infections, rather than just driving them deeper into your head, where they simply lie dormant, causing chronic low level pain and low grade fevers. Maybe.

Maybe I will let them do the surgery this time. Maybe I will do the allergy testing. One good thing about being 31 is you are just starting to get a sense of your own mortality. And life is too short to continue to put up with this kind of pain.

But I don't get to go see my doctor until 01-17-04. I can't wait. In the mean time, I will be calling in sick to work to rest when the pain gets unbearable. I have already slept for over 12 hours today. Oh, here's another good description of the pain... when you wake up from sleeping and you have a sinus infection, if you don't move right away you don't feel it for a few seconds. It is the closest thing to heaven you can imagine. Then you have to open your eyes, and you get a little flutter of pain from inside your head when the first light hits. Then when you sit up and move to stand, you get a tidal wave of pain and pressure, followed hard upon by a wave of nausea and dizziness that makes you want to cry. And then you have to stuff that feeling down into the parts of yourself that you have set aside to deal with pain, and you press on. After all, no matter how much you might want to curl into the fetal position and die, your bladder still has to go to the bathroom. And that's no way for your boyfriend to find your body, anyway.

There is one spot of good news, today. My period finally started. Nine days late, but it is here. Thank God. One less thing to worry about. :)

That's all for now. Thanks for listening to me rant.

Love to all,


Monday, December 06, 2004

Good Lord....

I am so tired. And I did practically nothing all damn day. I only saw one client. I had only one phone consult. The majority of the day was spent trying to drum up business, or sitting sullenly at my computer, wondering why Tigard DHS doesn't throw me very much business lately.

I did get to come home early today. I had some errands that needed to be run before it got too late to do it. Hee hee.... check me out, being all mysterious and $hit. :)

Well, that's about all for now. I just got Season One of Northern Exposure on DVD from the library... so I am going to go watch TV. Woo Hoo!!

Love to all,


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The big catch-up...

Hi everybody!

Well, I finally have a few minutes to catch everyone up on what has been happening in my little life. Here goes... (hold on, it's going to be a long, wild ride!) (Well, okay, probably just long...)

SO, here is the dirt for the last week or so. Things have been super, super busy at work. But, let's try to take this last week in some semblance of order.

Last Monday-

If the decision to move to New Zealand had not already been made, it would have been made today. There was an officer involved shooting right in front of the condo on this day. Apparently, the Portland PD caught up with a bank robber right in front of the park where I walk Buddy every day. Luckily, it was the middle of the morning... Buddy was at daycare, and Franz and I both were at work. Thank God. I heard that the bank robber pulled a knife, and was apparently walking towards the police officers that were telling him to stop. They killed him. They shot him four times and they killed him.

New Zealand... here I come!

Last Tuesday-

*Well, this was a silly crazy day. We had a mandatory "team building" training. Apparently, team building entails using stick horses (broom handles with stuffed toy horse heads at the top-with little microchips in their ears that you press to have them make whinying noises) to hop around abandoned offices. All while blindfolded, trusting only your guide (a fellow co-worker) to guide you around the course using only their voice. While they take pictures.
*Also, team building is accomplished by stuffing large quantities of marshmallows into your mouth... competing to see who can stuff the most. Not blindfolded this time.
*In addition, you can help to build a team by having everyone do Mad Libs with a piece of DVRC literature. A glowing commentary on the virtues of the agency is transformed into raucous, hilarious and sometimes coyly embarrassing couple of paragraphs that everyone laughs at when you read out loud.
* In short a good time was had by all. That's what we're calling it... a good time. Not one person rolled their eyes or said "Geez louise...". Not even once. And no one was thinking that "at least the folks in Abu Ghirab weren't expected to think their torture was funny." And no one even considered the homoerotic symbolism involved in having other women blindfold you while you prepare to run around the room with a fake stick beast between your legs. None of us.

Okay, so it wasn't that bad... I joke. I joke because I love. Actually they got a few pictures of me laughing my ass off, so I really did have a good time. I just felt vaguely used at the end of it. :)

Last Wednesday-

I was busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest on this day. I saw clients back to back to back all damn day. I watched one client's kids for her... for 45 minutes... because when she had come into the DHS office she was so frazzled by their behavior (screaming their heads off, running around the office unchecked, etc.) that she couldn't complete her application with the caseworker. Unfortunately, she got one of the all time worst case workers that office had to offer. This person had her in tears by the time she left. She called me telling me that she was ready to go back to her abuser. It was just too hard to get help. I arranged for her to get an appointment with another caseworker, and found out that if you separate the Mom from the kids, that they both calm down immensely. Frazzled for this woman was not hard... it was about half a step away from where she has been living inside her head for the last few months. So, her set point was a little lower than some people. She desperately needed someone to take some of the burden off of her. So, I did.

And I had a little conversation with the first caseworker's supervisor at the end of the day.

But I also lost a client on this day. There was a woman that I couldn't convince to leave her abuser. She said that she knows he could kill her someday. She just isn't ready to go, yet. She is pregnant, and he has beaten her when she was pregnant before. I told her that if she stays, and he beats her, and she loses the baby... that it would be a decision she would regret for the rest of her life. I told her that I didn't want to see her suffer that kind of pain. I told her that we would be here for her, whenever she was ready. She just sort of floated away from me. I could see her closing away my words as she got ready to leave. She put me away somewhere in the compartment in her mind where Never Never Land really exists. "It will never, never happen to me." I have intentionally tried to forget her name. When I see it in the paper or on the news someday, though, I am afraid I will remember.

Last Thursday-

Thanksgiving. I went to Franz's sister's house. Franz cooked the turkey. I made an apple cake. The others made all kinds of goodies. I fell asleep on their couch after dinner. I didn't help out with the dishes as much as I should have. I felt kind of bad, because I reminded myself of my own father at my graduation party at their house. He fell asleep in the same room. I tried to make up for it by helping with the dishes that were left at the end. I hope that they still like me after all that.

Last Friday-

This was the deadest day I have ever worked at DHS. There was only about 1/4 of the staff that there usually is. It sucked. I was still busy, but it was just the leftovers from crazy Wednesday.

Last Saturday-

Hell day!! I went and worked out with my trainer. Who I now hate with a fiery, white hot passion. Well, okay, not hate. Just dislike for causing me so much soreness-that didn't go away until yesterday. That's Tuesday for anyone who is keeping track. The really cool thing about this day was that Franz and I got to go to a hockey game with his brother, his nephew and his nephew's girlfriend. (They were so cute together, by the way.) The people who were sitting in front of were kind of assholes, but we got to see the "Teddy Bear Toss". This is a thing that they do at a particular game each year. When the Hawks get their first goal of the night, everyone in the audience brings a teddy bear to toss on to the ice. The bears get donated to local law enforcement, fire fighters, DV shelters, and children's hospitals to give to kids when they are going through bad times. It was the most amazing thing to see. The goal happened, kind of unexpectedly, and then there was just this huge mass of stuff flying through the air. It was like snow, only bigger and furry. And people didn't just bring in cheapie little bears, I saw some that were as large as I am. Those took several people to get them over the barrier and onto the ice. It was amazing. I was so happy to live in such a generous city. In the end, there were over 7400 bears donated by Winterhawks fans. Portland is such a great place. (Except when cops shoot people in front of your building.) The point is, though, that people here are by and large kind and generous.

Last Sunday-

We went to brunch at Mother's (which was very good) and we went to Powell's Books. I got the Lonely Planet Guide to New Zealand. We cleaned up the condo a bit and just had a lazy day in general. Except for doing a ton of laundry. I remember I stayed up late to finish the laundry.


I was pretty bored on this day. The sad part was that I got a call before I even got into work from a client who I had talked to about two weeks ago. She told me that she hadn't followed my advice about getting a restraining order on her ex, and that he had kidnapped their child over the Thanksgiving weekend. She asked me what I thought she should do. I told her to get the RO. I wasn't upset with her. I felt bad that I hadn't been more persuasive, but I wasn't mad at her for not listening to me. It bothered me the whole day, though. I kept wondering what I could have done differently. My supervisor is out of town for a few weeks, so there was no one I could really talk with about it. At least, not in person. Someone wonderful stepped up later in the day to say she would be there for me on the phone... which, I have to tell you, was very comforting. I just can't call her from work, because there are always people listening. That's the kind of sucky thing about cubicles... there isn't a whole lot of privacy. I wish they could afford to give me a more private space.


Another sort of nothing day. I attended a bunch of meetings and followed up with a few clients. Nothing really big.


See, I told you it was going to be long. Well, this was another super busy day. Some unusual clients, but their stories are distinctive enough that there is a chance someone could identify them. I am almost positive I read something about one of them in the newspaper. So, I'm not going to take any chances and disclose anything here. But it was a busy and productive day, overall. And I worked out again tonight. I just did cardio, so I am not too terribly sore, now.

Well, Franz has been waiting patiently for me for about an hour now. I hope you guys enjoyed catching up with my week.

Love to all,
