Fairy Tales...
I heard a joke a few years back that went something like this:
Question: How does a Northerner begin a fairytale?
Answer: "Once upon a time...."
Question: How does a Southerner begin a fairytale?
Answer: "Y'all ain't gonna believe this $hit...."
I was reminded of this a few days ago when I first started formulating this blog entry in my head. I planned to start it with:
"Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit..." Huh, I guess I am still a bit of a Southerner after all. :)
Anyway, this is a long beginning for a short blurb. As anyone who knows me, or reads this blog, can attest, I am in violent opposition to the continued oppression of women through the biological process known as menstruation, or colloquially, "the period". I think it is a conspiracy, formulated by men... or God (he's a guy, right? Is there a verdict on that one yet?)... or maybe aliens- who knows... to keep us down. Seriously, a week to feel crappy, another week to cramp up and bleed... it kills half a month right off the bat. It sucks and it needs to stop. Every month I seriously consider a hysterectomy just to avoid this crap.
And now, the latest slap in the face... I swear if I could get my hands on the person who came up with this ad campaign I would wring their necks. Anyway, a company that makes "sanitary napkins" called Always has come up with what was no doubt a very expensive ad campaign that seems guaranteed to piss off their customers (reverse psychology, maybe?)." Seriously, someone had to sit in a board room somewhere and pitch this idea...
"O.K.- I've got it! This is what we're gonna' do!! This is gonna' be GREAT! Let's take the paper backings that cover the adhesive on all of our pads and print on it. They can't miss that!! Hmmmm.... what should we write? Something upbeat, positive, encouraging. Hmm... what's that, Smithers? That's perfect!! AB-so-FUCKING-lutely PERFECT!!
We'll write....'Have a HAPPY period. Always' !! Brilliant!"
Are they freakin' kidding with this shit? Seriously?!?! "Have a happy period"?!?! Who came up with this crap? Of all the paternalistic, bullshit, condescending horrible things I have heard from advertisers over the years, well, this is without a doubt the most recent. I mean, it's like they are saying, "Buck up, Little Trooper.... it's not so bad being a girl!! Look, you can have a HAPPY period!!"
Yeah, and next week I'll put on heels and pearls to vacuum the house.
Why do we put up with these bastards? A happy period... THAT'S the fairy tale!
That's all for now,
P.S.- Just so this whole post isn't negative... The whole diet thing is working!! I am down to 189.4 lbs as of this morning.... WOOHOO!! That's almost 10 lbs gone, which means I am ahead of schedule by about 2 weeks. Body fat has come down about 5%... so that's a nice bonus. Of course, Franz has lost about twice what I have... bastard. (Said with love, of course.) Everyone knows men lose weight faster than us. It's ANOTHER conspiracy!!! :)
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