Greetings from wedding central...
Hi everybody!
Here is the deal... Franz and I have created a new blog. We are going to post stuff about our adventures on it. So, as of right now, there will be a few different subjects on it:
* The trip to New Zealand.
* Information about the wedding.
* The upcoming trip to Phoenix and Las Vegas (and, NO we are not getting married in Vegas <--- please don't worry about this, Mom!! ).
However, this blog is not going to be quite as public as each of our individual blogs are. Since it is primarily going to be for dispensing information about the wedding, we are only going to give the blog's web address out to people who are likely to be invited to the wedding. That way we won't have random people who know how to click on the "Next Blog" button (on the upper right hand side of your screen- go ahead, scroll up and look... I'll wait...) showing up at the wedding on the day. That would just be weird and unfortunate. And I also don't want to have to hire security. Despite the fact that the guest list is now mushrooming out of control, this is going to be as intimate of an affair as we can possibly make it.
So, to that end, if you want the new blog address before the invites go out, which I have no idea when that will be - probably a week or two, click on "View My Complete Profile" (also on the upper right hand side of your screen, in the green box) and email me. Tell me your name, and something that only the two of us would know. If you have a blog, it can't be anything that you have ever posted publicly. An alternative to this option would be to just email me your current "snail mail" address. That way I can verify your address and know it is you all at the same time!!
I hope everyone likes the new blog... and I hope that everyone who is invited will be able to make the festivities. It looks like it is going to be a swinging party. :)
Love to all,