Tuesday, April 12, 2005


So, now I can finally tell everyone why I haven't posted in so long. Hopefully, the vast majority of you already know.

Franz and I got engaged last Sunday, April 3rd, 2005.

We have been really trying these last 9 days to either tell people in person, call them personally or, at the very least, email them. We didn't want anyone to just read about it on either of our blogs. So, for everyone who has been wondering what the heck has been going on with me, that's part of it. And, if you are someone that either of us forgot to notify personally, PLEASE forgive us. With Franz being the youngest of 10, and me having friends spread across the country, it has been kind of difficult to get in touch with everyone... and to remember who we have talked with and who we haven't.

The second part is, and this happened before the engagement, I turned in my resignation to DVRC. Again, didn't want to blog about that until I had gotten a chance to tell everyone at work in person. The stress of the job was wearing on me, and we were both starting to become aware that the amount of planning we are going to need to do this year is going to require full-time effort from both of us. And that was even before we were engaged. My last day at work will be April 29th.

The third thing about why I haven't posted in so long is that Franz and I are leaving the country about 2 days after I resign. We are going to New Zealand for one month to check the place out, hopefully get some job offers, check out quarantine facilities for Buddy, look around to figure out where we want to live, etc. So we are both really excited about that!

So, that's why you haven't heard from me in a while. But I should have a lot more news soon! Woo Hoo!!

Love to all,
