Tuesday, July 13, 2004

You know what I am thinking?

I think that they are all going to be long posts from here on out. I am a wordy person. It's who I am. It's what I do. I think a lot and I talk a lot. So what?

So, we have been doing a Buffy-a-Thon to get Franz caught up on my all time favorite TV show. We just finished Season 2. Only five more seasons to go! I forgot how much I loved the first two seasons of Buffy. Joss Whedon (the creator/writer/director of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is a god. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much watching TV.

It's good to laugh. Sometimes it is the only thing that makes you feel like you have a place on the planet. Like you aren't just taking up air that someone else could be breathing.

I finished the Al Franken book and "Fight Club". Both were good, but "Fight Club" was better than the Franken book. It was a little different from the movie. But I think the movie made things clearer where the book left them muddled... or took easy ways out. All in all, though, the movie was a good representation of the book, right down to the type of shots the director got. The lighting, the darkness, the jerkiness and half-awake reality of it all. Totally on target. I love things that work like that... perfectly. An exact representation of the original. I hate weak counterfeits. Or close approximations. Close is only good in horseshoes and hand grenades... isn't that what they say?

Maybe it's just a tribute to Chuck Palahniuk's strong voice that the movie turned out so well. I may very well read his book "Choke" next.

An English teacher once told me that I had the strongest voice he had ever seen in my writing. I think that was a nice way of saying "what you see is what you get". I can't help it, whatever is in my head is what you get on the page- or, in this case, the screen. Now, that might not always be the most comforting thought, but it is the truth. I can't imagine being any other way. What would the point be?

Well, that's about all for now. Be sure and look for another brain dump on this web page- coming to a computer near you soon!

Love to all,



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