Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Have you ever had a cold that was so bad....

That you considered cutting your own nose off? Just so you wouldn't have to blow it any more? So you wouldn't have to rub one more tiny little bit of Kleenex against it, no matter how soft, cushion-y and lotion packed it was? No nose means no more Kleenex. No more Kleenex means no more raw nose.

There's a weird sort of circular logic to that, I think. But I'm too damned tired to figure it out.

NyQuil has stopped working for me. It doesn't stop me from coughing, aching, or sneezing so I can sleep. It does however, put the kibosh on sniffling, so at least there is that.

The dog has taken to wanting to go out all the time now. At least every 3 hours, rain or shine, night or day. He also has decided to start staring at invisible things down the street instead of going potty. I am losing all kinds of patience with him... which makes me feel even worse than I already do because it means I am a bad Dog Mom. I am sure that he really thinks he sees something that is important and is probably trying to protect me from it, whatever it is. But, this is the same dog that ferociously attacked a plastic shopping bag blowing down the sidewalk to save my life once, so I am failing to see things as important from his point of view.

I don't really have anything else to say that wouldn't be blatant moaning and groaning about being sick, or complaining about Buddy (who I shouldn't complain about because I love him more than just about anything else in this world- except for Franz and my Mom). And, after all, who really wants to listen to me bitch about these topics? If you can't say something interesting or enlightening, get off your damn soapbox, right?


Love to all,



At Fri Aug 20, 06:50:00 PM PDT, Blogger c. said...

Where's the blog? New post. New post.


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